Friday, March 13, 2009

Lone Bird.

Caught the Lone Bird Flu today. Anyone got the epidemic?

Good. I was hoping not.

Today has been one of THOSE days, you dig?

Some things I need to continue doing, or need to start doing:

1. Have patience with my music. Gently push through the hurdles. Give it up to my higher self. Trust.
2. Be selective with whom I spend my time with. People that want growth, that work towards growth, that are in touch with what surrounds them. People that are passionate, that breed love, that grasp the concept of compassion. People that long for unity, and most of all, people that stand for truth.
3. Say no, when I need to say no.
4. To choose enlightenment, over a quick fix.
5. To PLAY with life! To have FUN!
6. To not get caught up in pulling other people out of pain, but rather, be an example, of someone that has come out of pain.
7. To always see the bigger picture.


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